Monday, September 28, 2015

Coordinating Conjunctions and Compound Sentences

Compound Sentences

What are they? Two independent clauses (groups of words with a subject, verb and complete idea) joined with a coordinating conjunction.

(Subject+ Verb + complete idea), + Coordinating Conjunction + (Subject + verb + complete idea)

Punctuation? In compound sentences, there is always a comma before the coordinating conjunction

For more information, a video, and examples, visit this Learn American English Online explanation page.

Coordinating Conjunctions

What are they? There are 7 of them, and they are also called "FANBOYS"

Why are they called FANBOYS? Look at this:

  • FOR
  • AND
  • NOR
  • BUT
  • OR
  • YET
  • SO
For more general information about the FANBOYS, visit this English page.
For a FANBOYS video lesson, watch here.

The easy ones are: AND, BUT, SO, OR (we use these often in speaking and in writing)

For practice with these (in both compound and simple sentences), try these activities:

The trickier ones are: FOR, NOR, YET (because they are uses less often and more formal)

Yet  (in compound sentences) is essentially the same as "but"- just a bit more formal. It also expresses an element of surprise or unexpectedness at the idea it is presenting. We use this a bit more often in writing than in speaking.

Example: She hasn't finished her homework, yet she is going outside to play basketball. (What?? Why on earth would she do that if she hasn't finished her homework??)

We can also say: She hasn't finished her homework, but she is going outside to play basketball. (that means essentially the same thing.)

Note: Yet can also be an adverb relating to time! We use this form of the word much more often. I haven't done my homework, yet. (That means I expect to soon, and must do it, but have not yet.)

For (in compound sentences) is the same as because in meaning and placement. It is MUCH more formal and rarely used in speaking.
Example: She did well on the test, for she studied hard.  (shows cause and effect- why she did well)

We can also say: She did well on the test because she studied hard. (This means exactly the same thing, and is far more common in both speaking and writing.)

Note 1: FOR as a coordinating conjunction is VERY formal and rarely used in conversation in American English. It is generally saved for the most formal situations in writing.

Note 2: FOR is also a preposition, and it is VERY commonly used.
  • I bought this for you.
  • I have lived here for three years.
  • Would you like to come to our house for dinner?
Nor (in compound sentences) is similar to AND, but negative. It connects two negative ideas.

Example: She didn't do well on her vocabulary quiz, nor did she do well on her math quiz. (two bad test results)


For more information and practice, visit my Google Doc.

For practice with all of the FANBOYS, try these activities:

  • Practice 1
  • Practice 2 (the answers are on the second page so that you can check your work)
  • Practice 3 (You will have to print this one and bring it to your teacher to check)
  • Practice 4 (A great page! Starts with advanced grammar details, and ends with three practice activities)
  • Practice 5 (Write your answers on a separate page; check answers on second page of website)

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Present Simple Tense

The Present Tense is usually the first verb form learned by new English speakers.

How do we use it?  (Here is a basic explanation with examples)

To talk about...

1) Something (an action) that happens regularly; a habit
       I go shopping every Saturday.
       They wash the dishes every evening.
       I wake up at 7:30. (This means every morning)
       We travel to Boston every summer.
       I always forget to bring my keys!

For  a list of TIME WORDS often used with the present simple, CLICK HERE)
3) A state (non-action verbs) in the present
       I like chocolate.
       They want a new car.
       We have two cats.
       I am a teacher. (NOTE: "TO BE" IS IRREGULAR- for more information, CLICK HERE)

For a list of some other non-action verbs that we may use in the present tense, CLICK HERE)
4) A permanent situation (NOT TEMPORARY)
        I live in Michigan. (and probably plan to stay here)
        They work in the insurance office. (they don't plan to change jobs soon)

What is special about present verbs with HE, SHE, and IT?

We add an s or es to the end of the verb. This is referred to as "Third Person Singular"

       He liveS in Rhode Island.
       She workS in a school.
       He washES the dishes in the morning.

For more information about this topic, with some spelling rules, CLICK HERE

How do we form the negative?

1) Usually, we add the word DON'T (which is a contraction of DO + NOT) before the verb:
      I don't live in Spain.
      We don't have dogs.
       They don't play volleyball in the rain.

2) With HE/SHE/IT subjects, we add the word DOESN'T (DOES + NOT)
     He doesn't live in Iran.
     She doesn't have a car.
     He doesn't play football.

How do we form a question?

1) Usually, we add the word DO before the subject:
      Do you live in Spain?
      Do they have dogs?
      Do they play volleyball?

2) With HE/SHE/IT subjects, we add the word DOES before the subject:
     Does he live in Iran?
     Does she have a car?
     Does he play football?

Do you need more information?

For more explanations of the present simple, visit these sites:

Would you like to practice?

Try these!